Communication Styles Report

Individual Report

Your dominant communication style is more Reserved than Assertive, somewhat more Personable than Professional, and more Conventional than Innovative.

Reserved Communicators prefer to listen and let others do the talking. They can be excellent listeners who will make important contributions if invited, encouraged, or forced to speak up. It’s possible they hesitate to share their opinions due to a lack of confidence, but this shouldn’t be assumed.

Many reserved communicators will speak freely when the conditions of the discussion meet their needs and comfort level. Some simply need to be given the opportunity to speak without having to interrupt. Some are happy to talk at length if invited to, and others may need to be offered alternative forms of communication, such as written reports or one-on-one meetings.

While it’s important for group leaders and more assertive communicators to ensure a respectful meeting environment, Reserved Communicators should also push their comfort levels and speak up in order to join the conversation and advocate for themselves.

Team members who prefer the Reserved style: You, Carl, Sharon, Thomas.

Team members preferring the Assertive style: Julia, Matthew, Rosie.

Personable Communicators care deeply about how they make other people feel and how they’re seen in others’ eyes. They’re quick to validate people’s ideas and meeting others’ needs and expectations. These attitudes tend to make them well-liked and popular in their workplaces.

Because they’re quite empathetic and prioritize the feelings of others, Personable Communicators tend to push discussions toward comfortable topics like personal interests and non-controversial workplace issues. They’re more likely to praise an idea and less likely to disagree with someone else’s opinion.

This means Personable Communicators tend to have a positive impact on office morale, but may be hesitant to participate in challenging or uncomfortable conversations that are often necessary to resolve a workplace issue or choose the best course of action from a set of contentious options.

Personable communicators must keep in mind that cooler communicators aren’t trying to intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings (usually) – they’re trying to help the team accomplish its goals as effectively as possible.

Team members who prefer the Personable style: You, Carl.

Team members preferring the Professional style: Julia, Sharon, Thomas, Matthew, Rosie.

Conventional Communicators appreciate stability and agreement. They rarely question authority figures and are usually most comfortable with the status quo. They uphold hierarchies, rules, and traditions, and are more likely to believe it’s more important to maintain norms than to challenge incorrect statements or point out the flaws in someone’s argument. They can also be too quick to agree with a leader or reject a good idea simply because it seems too disruptive.

Conventional Communicators keep the team on track and focused on its goals. They’re often willing to support a popular course of action for the sake of group cohesion, even if they don’t think it’s the best option on its merits.

Conventional Communicators play a valuable role as a stabilizing force, but they can be most helpful if they steer the group between the extremes of rigidity and chaos. The strongest teams retain the flexibility to adapt to new methods and ideas without losing their defining features.

Team members who prefer the Conventional style: You, Carl, Julia, Thomas, Matthew.

Team members preferring the Innovative style: Sharon, Rosie.

How You See Other Team Members

Your guess
Their result
Team Member Assertive Reserved Personable Professional Innovative Conventional

How Other Team Members See You

If we average everyone’s answers about you, it seems other team members see your communication style as more Reserved (+22%), somewhat more Personable (+10%), and more Innovative (+18%) than you do.

The above scores are calculated by taking the average of the Communication scores given to you by others on your team. Note that their ratings are based on their observable impressions of your style, which can sometimes be limited.

Team Report

Overall, your team’s dominant communication style is somewhat more Reserved than Assertive, more Professional than Personable, and more Conventional than Innovative.

These charts show the average scores of the dimensions represented within your team and determine the overall communication style. Remember that if a team member is categorized as having one style, they are likely to still exhibit a certain percentage of the other style as well.