Inspector (RMI-C)

Likely to...
...tune out distractions when working on something
...have a careful and methodical approach to life little about being popular

Inspectors are detail-oriented, rational types who are guided by logic and evidence. They value time-tested views and practices and are prepared to defend such proven ways against what they see as reckless attempts at innovation or unneeded change. They find little worth in guesswork and speculation, preferring evidence that a procedure is effective.

This type believes it’s hard to find a better way of judging an approach or practice than by looking at whether it has proven itself through experience. They trust in methods and concepts that have been successfully employed by themselves or others, knowing that they can be relied on to work well. To Inspectors, this ensures the desired outcome and just makes good sense.

Inspectors are practical people and don’t like to delve into the hypothetical, speculative, or abstract. They prefer to focus on concepts and topics that are more closely related to their own life and experience, implicitly feeling that people can get detached from reality by purely imaginary things. They prefer hard facts over imaginative connections and visions that might not even reflect the real state of affairs.

Their preference for tested, fact-based thinking – and acting – can make Inspectors appear more rigid and reserved than they actually are. They aren’t insistent on their superiority and are open to being convinced by solid evidence presented rationally. Their value of correctness demands that they be willing to change their minds based on it.

This can even make them reconsider a core belief or favorite method if the person presenting the alternative is an experienced expert. Inspectors tend to accept different ways of thinking or doing something more quickly when they can trust the expertise of a rightfully established authority.

They can also be reasonable in their arguments. Rather than push an opinion based on a summary of conclusions or a theoretical deduction, Inspectors stick to the facts and rely on standing evidence to make their point. They believe that studiousness will reliably lead to success, and this tends to lend them credibility.

Inspectors admire the rational precision they strive to attain. They don’t respect shaky logic, pure speculation, or wishful thinking, and dislike when people cannot discuss things without getting carried away by emotion. They also find it alarming when people recklessly push a decision or course of action without due proof and preparation. They speak their minds about such things, challenging people and pointing out any flaws.

Their pointed manner isn’t malicious, though. Inspectors tend to be very responsible people who are conscientious in their work and simply expect others to take the same great care they do. They feel a sense of responsibility for the success of any group they’re in, even if it means putting in extra time and effort to be ready for a deadline. They prepare in advance of a project and follow through with dedication until it’s done right.

Their meticulousness can make them appear severe or stern, and it may seem like they ignore human factors which might be relevant in a situation. However, it’s a firm sense of responsibility that motivates their actions – ultimately they understand that others are depending on them doing their part, and they take this obligation seriously.

This determined sincerity translates positively into their personal lives and relationships. Inspectors tend to be loyal and committed and try to be there for those they care about. They enjoy helping friends and associates out, showing their care by willingly finding practical and sensible ways to overcome obstacles and solve problems.

But as Introverts, Inspectors also need some time away from others to restore their energy. They’re generally more comfortable alone, among family, or with a few close friends than in large groups. This, paired with their outwardly reserved, rational style, may make them seem unapproachable, but after sufficient time to recharge this type brings their brand of purposeful productivity to any project or group they’re invited to join.