Entertainer (RSE-M)

Likely to...
...be quick to forgive
...believe that if they get in trouble, other people will help them
...find it easy to compromise when discussing politics

Entertainers are spontaneous, gregarious, and sociable people who exude intense and charismatic personalities. They’d rather rely on experience than deep thought to explore the world and find their paths through life.

This type loves being around other people, and enjoy talking and interacting with them as well as taking part in various joint endeavors. They enjoy exploring the social world around them – meeting new people, experiencing different vibes, characters, and temperaments, and trying out different things. Entertainers are fond of going on adventures and generally having fun with others.

Entertainers are open-minded about the social world and other people, rarely letting their prejudices hold them back from engaging in a friendly manner. Their open inclination toward social exploration tends to make them people-savvy, and they pick up on little cues. They not only understand how comfortable others are in a situation, but they also know how to present themselves – what to do and how to act.

This type is usually respectful and inclusive of people, wanting to make their friends and guests feel welcomed and appreciated even though they might joke and tease them occasionally. Entertainers enjoy creating a lively, fun atmosphere and are usually the “life of the party.” They love to entertain people and make great hosts.

In fact, Entertainers aren’t likely to shy away from the spotlight in most situations. They have no problem speaking their minds or representing others and aren’t easily shaken by the possibility of disagreement or opposition. While they don’t like confrontations, they’ll rise to a challenge, especially if someone is rude or mean to them or those close to them.

Entertainers aren’t likely to make detailed long-term plans. They adopt a spontaneous approach, preferring to deal with things as they come, improvise, and make decisions on the go. They feel things rarely go according to plan, so it’s important to be flexible and open to different options. They like to see what they’re actually dealing with before figuring out how.

With this in mind, Entertainers have little use for the abstract, theoretical, or speculative. They’re practical, and gravitate toward what’s tangible and closer to their own life experience. They’re primarily guided by experience they gain through open-minded exploring, trying things, and moving in and out of different situations. They let insight and understanding, as well as their views and beliefs, emerge from such exploration.

This approach to life means Entertainers don’t make long-term commitments easily, as they don’t like to get ahead of themselves by making decisions or promises far in advance. This type likes to experience different possible options before they make their decisions or fully commit. They want to be sure that the way things look in the moment isn’t likely to change significantly in the future.

Commitment aside, however, they do like to engage things. Entertainers typically gravitate toward the kinds of activities, trades, and crafts that involve communication with others, as well as solving or dealing with life’s more practical problems. They especially enjoy activities that involve their whole bodies like sports, dancing, or athletics.

When it comes to professional engagements, Entertainers prefer settings that allow for freeform social interaction among everyone. If the interaction is too restricted by rules or too stale and technical, Entertainers tend to lose their enthusiasm. They enjoy working well with others and bonding over activities, often bringing freshness and positive vibes to the room.