Captain (VME-D)

Likely to...
...thrive in a competitive environment afraid of being considered average
...enjoy having authority over other people

Captains are likely to conceive initiatives and reach out and pull people in to join them as companions or coworkers. They’re open to comments and ideas from others, evaluate them for rationality, reason, and effectiveness, and then present a more elaborate proposal or plan.

Captains push for what they think is best and most effective. This type is primarily oriented toward success in achieving whatever goals they set. They create detailed, thorough game plans by weighing every alternative and approach against their sharp reasoning and logic until they’re satisfied with how everything in their vision fits together.

Although their plans tend to be complete and impressive, Captains aren’t necessarily full of themselves. While firmly believing in their capacities and intelligence, they’re willing to hear other opinions and views out. This type is well aware that they don’t know everything and may fail to take something into account, and welcome ideas on how to proceed.

They must be impressed before getting on board, however. Captains set a high bar when it comes to how sensible and rationally supported proposals should be and apply the same rigorous analysis to ideas coming from others as they do to their own. Colleagues shouldn’t expect poor reasoning, flimsy logic, or appeals to social status or authority to carry much weight with this type.

Though they aren’t easy to satisfy, Captains aren’t prone to confronting others on every flaw they spot, nor to presenting lengthy arguments over which approach is best. They’ll explain their reasoning, but if the disagreement persists, they prefer to demonstrate the superiority of their approach instead of trying to convince others verbally. They may negotiate for opportunities to show the effectiveness of their ideas, or to pursue testing multiple approaches.

Captains are success-driven, fond of devising both grand visions and the tactics necessary to achieve them and pursuing their goals with relentless efficiency. Their success is largely a result of the amount of attention they put into envisioning their plans, avoiding those unpleasant surprises that otherwise crop up.

This type pushes themselves to meet high standards and sometimes feel a lot of stress, especially when under pressure. They worry about their performance and potential mistakes, but this is mainly an internal process. On the outside, Captains remain rational and composed, with a dash of charisma to complete the image. They believe their internal struggles are their own, and that the same is true for others.

This mindset, coupled with their drive toward effective methods, sometimes makes Captains bluntly direct. They rarely cushion their remarks – especially when someone doesn’t walk their talk. Despite this, Captains are quite social and enjoy bringing together friends and colleagues. Their knack for turning ideas into focused courses of action means that their plan – professional or social – frequently go off without a hitch.

Whatever their goals, Captains figure out what’s needed, how to get it, and how to use it to achieve success. They keep their eyes on the prize and understand how fine details fit into the big picture. They try to pull people together to see to those details and hold everyone, especially themselves, accountable.