Designer (VSE-D)

Likely to...
...challenge others’ beliefs, just for fun
...make decisions on a whim practical jokes on people

Designers enjoy meeting interesting people and being around others in general. They’re invigorated by discussing various concepts and opinions, especially if they’re related to subjects of interest. They also like expanding their knowledge about a wide variety of topics, always seeking and exploring.

As intellectually curious people, they may have a speciality, but it’s merely the main area of their engagement and focus – not the only one. While practical technicalities may not always appeal to Designers, they’re broadly interested in innovative ways to solve a problem and ingenious approaches to nearly any subject. They find the reasoning that forms the basis of unusual but effective techniques especially fascinating.

This fascination relates to a drive to deepen their insight into the world and broaden their intellectual horizons. They pursue this by getting in touch with different ways of thinking as well as different methods to achieve goals. Designers are open-minded and listen to different points of view. They apply their reasoning and logic to what they take in, comparing and contrasting it to their views or beliefs as they draw their conclusions.

They don’t force these conclusions on others, however. Designers aren’t confrontational and will rarely publicly and directly challenge someone, even if they think they’re completely off the mark. This type tends to adopt a live-and-let-live attitude, often thinking it’s not their business to point out flaws in what someone else is saying or doing – unless they’re called to do so.

But whether or not they’re vocal about it, Designers don’t respect shaky logic, emotional arguments, or those who lean on authority or social status to support a claim or an idea. If challenged to defend their views, or if someone insistently pushes obviously flawed proposals, Designers show just how sharp and agile their minds are as they muster a defense or pick apart questionable reasoning.

This doesn’t mean that Designers are pretentious. They rarely believe their views to be completely above revision and change, and therefore don’t present their opinions and ideas as something that shouldn’t be challenged or refined. Most of the time, this type invites others to share opinions on their proposals and work together to find better alternatives.

As they welcome such cooperation, their curiosity and open-mindedness make Designers stimulating company. They can be good conversationalists, pointing to novel perspectives and approaches with inspired wit. They’re able to create fresh, unique proposals and solutions by willingly pulling together ideas from others and themselves. They also know how to have fun, relax, and just casually chit-chat with their friends, making them an asset in any group.