Catalysts (VSE)

Likely to...
...enjoy traveling long distances
...expect their children to argue with them thrilling activities during holidays

Catalysts are curious, open-minded, social types who like to mingle and entice others into the ideas and initiatives they conceive. Catalysts let experiences and their environment seep into their consciousness, their minds and imagination always working busily upon such input. This results in interesting connections they enthusiastically share with others – and, more importantly, that they jump into and follow to see where they lead.

This is how Catalysts like to gather their knowledge. They seem to be constantly and effortlessly brainstorming, pulling ideas from the world around them and exploring by practicing them. Through this process, their attitudes and direction emerge. Catalysts trust this style of collecting and connecting information and knowledge yields the “right” answer in time.

To some, it might seem like Catalysts are aimlessly jumping from one idea to another, following everything that comes to their minds, but this isn’t the case. Instead, they understand that certainty is hard to come by, and they prefer to see what emerges from trying ideas out. This type has reservations when something is presented as entirely certain or without a doubt.

Accordingly, Catalysts are generally open to changing their views if the evidence calls for it. They won’t insist on something for the sake of insisting, as deep down they entirely understand their current attitudes and ideas are a product of their experience thus far, and new adventures and exploration will bring new insight.

This wide vision often leads Catalysts to be the source of new suggestions, proposals, and initiatives regarding the groups, projects, or organizations of which they’re a part. They fuel these things with their positivity and a light touch – and a hunger for new experiences, connections, and collaboration with others. Catalysts’ self-discovery comes from such adventures.

As outgoing as they are, they like to bring others along with them as they discover life’s opportunities. Catalysts like working and being with groups of people, as the company of others energizes them. Their enthusiasm can be infectious, and people rarely have any trouble playing along, at least for as long as they’re able.

Catalysts are open-minded and have very few prejudices when it comes to people or ideas. They tend to be friendly toward everyone and be both good conversationalists and good listeners. Such social openness helps them wander freely among experiences unhindered. Given their creativity, it also draws them toward the creative pursuits of others – they connect quickly with innovative expressions and ideas.

Of course, there may be times when their openness and enthusiasm lead Catalysts to embrace questionable concepts or pursuits. They may roll their eyes when they look back on such moments, but heartily embrace the wisdom learned. Catalysts tend to be agents of change, willing to risk mistakes to take the first step toward great things. Fortunately, they not only invite others to explore with them, but they also make it easy to want to come along.
